Basic Education

Muhammad Shoaib
2 min readApr 10, 2021

We are living in an era of digital world and modernization. Human beings need fundamental necessities (house, food, health care, cloth, transportation) to live a comfortable life. Beside these all needs the most fundamental is the basic Education and Character Building.

Problem Statement:

Pakistan is an underdeveloped country and facing tremendous flows in its education system. Beside focusing on one curriculum which is impossible to implement in all our the Pakistan due to difference of culture, races, color language, and region. Our Primary focus should be shifted toward how can we make difference in society by highlighting on character building and basic education for everyone.

The main components of basic education will be,

  1. Basic Knowledge
  2. Heath Awareness
  3. Character Building
  4. Purpose of life


There are number of ways to overcome this problem , in our region there are three main pillar which can contribute in it.

  1. Schools:

The School is the first learning place of anyone. The policy makers and high intellects make a brief curriculum on Character Building, which will be addressed in the Assembly on daily basis and follow up on the whole activity of administration ,students and teacher whether they are taking it seriously or not. The appreciation and many other activities will also add up and gear the whole process.

2. Mosques

The most common place where all the school of thoughts are united are the mosques. If this place is used for awareness campaign among the nation then we can plunged the root cause of the problem. The Religious Scholars part will be the most effective one to bring change in our region due to their position, interaction with all and respect amongst the peoples.

3. Civil Administration

The final pillar is the Civil Administration, which will monitor all the activities and give feedback to their immediate bosses that how can we make it more efficient and effective. This whole process doesn’t needs extra resources, ultimately it will make our nation great and united.

